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The first six weeks of uni are over and I finally submitted the project for my first module – Photography and the Real. The brief was to create a series of images somehow describing ‚relationship‘, however, I chose to look away from the obvious and create a project about the deep relationship we all have, the one with our smartphones. My project got the name I ♥ MY PHONE (THE MODERN WORLD RELATIONSHIP) and now I’m only waiting for the feedback from my teachers.

We all know that people of the 21st century are highly addicted to mobile phones. Some more some less than the others, but there are a very few people in the modern society who don’t own a mobile phone. Over the years of using them we developed a great relationship to them. For many teenagers, they are the first thing they look at in the morning, they are with us at all times – when preparing lunch, walking to school, sitting in a classroom, showering, going to the toilet. Phones are always there and it’s horrible to realize just how much we are dependent on them.

All of my photographs were took in the city. The street, shopping mall, cafés etc. The places where most people gather up with friends and colleagues, however still with their phones. I decided to leave out our usage of phones at home as I felt it could disturb the visual relationships between my photographs.

By using the multiple-exposure I wanted to emphasize that the world we create with our smartphones isn’t real. I wanted to make people seem like ghosts, which they often seem like, because they don’t quite often pay attention to what’s happening around them.

All in all, I am quite satisfied with how the project went. I got to learn new technique and experiment with my photos more.

Have a look at the gallery PROJECTS where you will find all my final photos.




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